Bordogni Vocalises
Introductions and rubato have been added and are indicated on the PDF sheet music.
Bordogni Vocalises
Introductions and rubato have been added and are indicated on the PDF sheet music.
本文分享铜管乐器谱 Bordogni - Vocalise #25(小号),来源 《曲谱查询网》, Marco Bordogni 词/曲, 演奏/唱,伟向 编辑整理…Bordogni VocalisesIntroductions and rubato have been added and are...
1778本文分享铜管乐器谱 Arpeggios(小号),来源 转自《中华管乐网》论坛, 词/曲, 演奏/唱,虎儿 编辑整理…选自《18首小号初级古典作品》Arpeggios in all keys, including major, minor, and diminished arpeggios...
88 Arpeggios本文分享铜管乐器谱 JINGLE BELLS!(第一降B小号分谱),来源 转自《吹萨克斯网》, 词/曲,爵士管乐团 演奏/唱,小颖 编辑整理…...
390 爵士管乐团本文分享铜管乐器谱 音乐会圆舞曲(小号),来源 《曲谱查询网》, [俄]阿连斯基 词/曲, 演奏/唱,奎奎 编辑整理…选自贺凯编著《小号演奏入门与提高实用教程》...
171 音乐会圆舞曲 阿连斯基留言与评论(共有 0 条评论) |